A community of money-smart professionals actively seeking good health from a financial perspective.
Research tells us that health plays significant roles in retirement, including:
Healthcare is the 'wildcard' in financial planning, making it difficult to anticipate and the number one financial worry for retirees. (2014 Age Wave/Merrill Lynch)
A health problem is the number one reason for early, unplanned retirements. (2014 Age Wave/Merrill Lynch)
Good health is the number one ingredient for a happy retirement. (2014 Age Wave/Merrill Lynch)
96% of retirees say that health is more important than wealth when it comes to a successful retirement (2021 Age Wave/Edward Jones)
How Does It Work?
Members are assigned a coach and given access to a private portal & peer community where they learn to cultivate a "Wellth Mindset" and apply a financial framework to their health. There are program options starting at 1 session up to 1 year.
Learn and Communicate with Your Coach in the HIPAA-Compliant Web/App Portal
Your private portal is where you get access to the on-demand modules, where you can talk to your coach, register for webinars, log your journal entries, and request sessions.