Check out our growing library of video content on a variety of healthy topics below.
Check out our growing library of video content on a variety of healthy topics below.
Envizion More with Wayne WagnerUnfortunately, every advisor has seen their own version of this story: a client spends decades building a robust net worth only to experience a life-changing medical event as early as their 50’s or 60’s. The life they spent decades saving for now looks entirely different. Stevyn shares her perspective on how top performers can achieve the optimal balance of financial and physical success through consistent, compounding practices
Steadfast Care with Kelly AugsburgerHave you ever thought about living beyond your 100th birthday? What are are the secrets to longevity and vitality inspired by the centenarians who live in the Blue Zones? Kelly Augspurger spoke to Stevyn Guinnip, CEO of Grow Wellthy, and they ventured deep into the heart of the Blue Zones and extracted life-enriching wisdom that can shift the way you approach your own wellness journey.
Unique This Week with Andy GreiderJoin us as we speak about how Stevyn found the ”two rails” – wealth AND health – that lead to a strong and fruitful retirement. She has a Wellth Plan WorkShop that runs 6 weeks that lead to results that set advisors (and their client base) on the right path to a long well lived retirement. April 19th she is running “Tax Free Health” – be sure to check in with her if you have any questions. Learn how to avoid the “I’ll get to it later” curse and how Stevyn can help reset your path in a way, you, as a financial advisor, can really relate to. Hear about the remarkable success stories she has helped her clients achieve.
Have a Buffer Zone in Your HealthStrive to have a buffer zone when it comes to your health, don't be one injury or heartbeat away from disaster. Give your body some care right now. So it has the vitality and the resilience to bounce back. If something in life happens, it's like the difference between living paycheck to paycheck or having an emergency fund.
What it Took for Me to Reach My Ideal WeightYou can read this in my blog, but basically I go through the history of what I tried and what worked for me.
I Interviewed My Dad Who Was a Financial Advisor for 32 Years (part 4 of 5)Here's part 5 of my interview with my dad. He talks about what retirement is like after 32 years with Edward Jones.
I Interviewed My Dad Who Was a Financial Advisor for 32 Years (part 4 of 5)Here's part 4 of my interview with dad on what it was like having a career as a financial advisor. He talks about why he said no to being promoted TWICE. His answer couldn't have made me more proud of him.
I Interviewed My Dad Who Was a Financial Advisor for 32 Years (part 3 of 5)Here's part 3 of my interview with dad on what it was like having a career as a financial advisor. He talks about when enough money was enough.
I Interviewed My Dad Who Was a Financial Advisor for 32 Years (part 2 of 5)"Is there anything you would have done differently to prepare for retirement?"
It was really a nice transition and it happened over about a 10 or 12 year period of time to go from 1200.... to 50 clients that were all people at least told me they love me." |
I Interviewed My Dad Who Was a Financial Advisor for 32 Years (part 1 of 5)I interviewed my dad who was a financial advisor for 32 years.
He's the reason I do what I do. He is also a really great person, dad, and friend to all who meet him. I asked him 5 questions and broke our conversation up into 5 parts. This is part 1 where I ask him if retirement was what he expected. |
7 Minute Workout with the girl named StevynThis is my version of the 7 minute workout. It switches back and forth from upper to lower body and from cardio to strength. Lots of modifications to make it easier or harder.
with Paul Kingsman of Distraction-Proof Advisor Podcast
So many financial professionals end up trading their health for their career and don’t really take notice of their declining health until they get some shocking wakeup call. But, exercise physiologist and Certified Wellness Coach Stevyn Guinnip says it doesn’t have to be this way. We can avoid or even recover from “Advisor-Bod.” |
Here is a healthy meal routine I use to beat evening cravings and maintain a healthy weight.
The Healthy Advisor: Treating Your Health As an Asset with Stevyn Guinnip"In this episode, Diana Britton, managing editor, is joined by Guinnip, CEO and Wellthy Advisor at Grow Wellthy, a health coaching company, who shares about her own struggles dealing with physical health and wellness, and how that has shaped the work she does today with advisors."
2 Things You Can Do TODAY For Your Health - Even If You Have No Time Or Energy"I don't have the time to exercise or the energy to fix healthy meals." This is the most common thing I hear after interviewing over 250 financial professionals for my book on the link between health and wealth. So, this 4 minute class will give you 2 small things you can do for your health today that will make a big impact - even if you have no time or lack motivation.
Helping Advisors Retire Wellthy.
Health & Wellness for Financial Advisors with Stevyn Guinnip
with Ross Marino, CFP©, CeFT® of [email protected]
"On this episode of Wealth@Work (formerly OUTCOMES) Ross Marino talks with Stevyn Guinnip, Founder & CEO of Grow Wellthy, where she works with financial advisors in navigating their health & wellness as if it were a retirement portfolio or asset." |
My Favorite Smoothie + the 3 Best Times to Walk for Weight LossI love this smoothie recipe as a meal replacement for weight loss. It has all the key ingredients like greens, berries, fat, and fiber. Plus, I go over the 3 best times to walk if you're looking to lose weight.
Use Curiosity to Change Your HabitsUse your brain's curiosity to your advantage, and ask yourself, “I wonder what it would feel like to (fill in the blank with a better choice)?”
What 81% of Retirees Say is Most Important For a Happy RetirementIf it's true that 81% of retirees say that the #1 ingredient for a happy retirement is good health, why aren't we creating a retirement plan for our health?
4 Life Stages That Should Trigger a Change in Your Wellness PlanJust like when managing your financial portfolio, there are times in life when it is necessary to reassess your wellness portfolio if you want to continue to grow wellthy.
Your Health is Like a Bank Account: 4 Steps to Grow WellthyI’ve heard something like this 100’s of times. ‘I want to lose weight but I don’t know where to start.’ The reality is that the path to wellness is wide open to anyone, and it’s so much easier than most people have been led to believe. Here are 4 steps to consider in your journey to wellth.
Why Avocados Are Even More Awesome Than You ThoughtAvocados have the magical power of multiplying nutrients. They make the good food eaten with avocados even better for you.
How to Protect Your Next 8000 DaysThe average of each life stage is about 8000 days. What you do today will influence the quality of those days.
Why You Should Close Your Mouth When WalkingThere numerous benefits of walking with your mouth closed. In fact, if you breathe out of your nose when walking, you can still get a training effect without the impact of running.
How to Reach Retirement with a Full Health & Wealth AccountHealth is wealth. Lots of planning goes into saving and investing money for retirement, but what about planning for robust health in retirement?
Why Everyone Needs a Pit Stop at WorkBurnout is no fun, and it's not good for you either. Find out how to manage stress and overwhelm before they get the best of you.
Ditch the Gym and L.E.A.D. InsteadThere is a misconception about health that includes going to the gym. In reality, health happens somewhere else...
Are You Sacrificing Your Health for Your Career?This happens all the time without people knowing it. The more successful they get, the more their health deteriorates. But it doesn't have to...
How to Bring Active Seating to Your Home OfficeHere are several options for making your home office healthier, and why your motto should be "the next position is the best position."
5. Passion, Pain & Personal Finance with Austin James: How to be a "Wellthy"Solopreneur - with Stevyn Guinnip, "Wellth" Advisor.
4. PR and Wealth Building Are Marathons, Not Sprints Clubhouse room with Joel Forman & team
June 29, 2021 Conversation about health and wealth. You can read the summary here. |
3. AgeUcational: The Wellth Factor with Stevyn Guinnip
Here's the link with a full transcript: |
2. CFO at Home: The Intersection of Health and Wealth with Stevyn Guinnip of Grow Wellthy
1. Zenovate Yourself: Creating Positive Organizational Culture Using Stress Management and Leadership with Stevyn Guinnip